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The History of JIL UK

A spark of new revival was ignited in 1984 by a handful of Filipinos who were burdened to share God’s salvation to their fellow countrymen. It all began in a Bible study that eventually became the Jesus Is Lord Church - the first ever independent Filipino church in London.


In the same year, Pastors Lenny and Belen, sisters of Brother Eddie Villanueva, were instrumental in pioneering the young ministry.


In 1986, Bro Eddie’s first visit to JIL London brought about further church strengthening and encouragement. With his apostolic calling, he established the young church, appointing leadership for direction, structure and expansion.


JIL London received the vision wholeheartedly, and began reaching Filipinos and other nationalities. This paved the way for JIL’s mission work across Europe. JIL Rome, Italy was one of its first fruits in the 1990’s, together with Paris, France; Norway; the Netherlands; Spain and Monaco.


JIL churches in Denmark, Austria, Sweden, Switzerland, Ireland, Belgium, Cyprus, Greece, Andorra, Germany, Finland, Hungary, Romania, Turkey, Wales and most recently Scotland and Northern Ireland were also fruits of missional efforts from London.


After 4 decades of our existence, JIL London withstood many challenges and tests that proved faithfulness to her apostolic calling. The ministry has transitioned from one leadership to another, but her true leader and shepherd, Jesus Christ, desires that the earth be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.


This legacy of Jesus Is Lord Church Worldwide, through the faithful stewardship of Bro Eddie Villanueva, will carry on as JIL UK continues to declare, decade after decade, that Jesus is Lord over the United Kingdom, and all over Europe!

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